Unfortunately, there are very few parent parking spots in Glenwood’s parking lot. We appreciate that this is frustrating, but as our school grows so does our staff which leaves fewer open spots. Please remember that staff parking spots are those marked staff as well as the three currently unmarked spots closest to the building.
You have probably noticed the additional cones in the parking lot. Please stay in the single lane created by the cones for student drop off and pick up. An immediate pick up or drop off will be permitted anywhere in this lane, but you may not park and wait for your child. If there is not a parking spot available at the end of the day or if your child is not ready for immediate pick up, you will need to exit the lot and park elsewhere or circle around again. A safer option for all is to park on one of the surrounding side streets and walk your child to and from the building.Having two lanes of vehicles pass through the lot is proving to be dangerous for our kids.
Thank you for keeping the parking lot safe for your students and the whole schoolcommunity!