Dear Glenwood Community,
As many of you have heard, the BC Health and Education Ministries made an announcement stating that the return to school for the majority of students will be delayed until Monday, January10th. You have hopefully already received an email from Gina Niccoli-Moen, the Burnaby School District Superintendant, outlining the delayed restart. (Please click HERE to view the letter.) While no instruction will take place from January 4-7, schools will be open for a limited number of students that require child care. This will include children with diverse abilities and students whose parents or guardians are essential healthcare workers. As always, we will try to accommodate the children of other essential workers, as capacity and staffing levels allow. Please contact Mrs. Ashton via email at if your family falls under the following categories and you are:
- An essential healthcare worker and cannot make child care arrangements for next week
- A parent of a child with diverse abilities
- An essential worker that cannot make child care arrangements for next week
- A parent with extenuating circumstances
If you do not require your children to be at school next week, there is no need to contact Mrs. Ashton and we look forward to seeing you all on January 10th.
Happy New Year!
Mrs. D. Ashton